Vaping is fast replacing the times of cigarettes and cigars. Now, you do not have to carry around a box of cigarettes with fragile cigarettes that will break the moment they get crushed or twisted. You do not have to look for a light every time you wish to have a smoke. You do not need to worry about your cigarettes getting wet or a mischievous teen robbing them. Now, vapes will work anywhere and everywhere. You enable child protection and no child could use your vape; you charge the device and you will never need a light; the device gets a little wet, just wipe it clean and keep smoking. Vaping has definitely made life easier.

However, there are complexities related with vapes too that you need to be aware too. From being careful about flavor specification to your vape kits, you have to take care of everything. One of these many complexities are the coils. Vape coils are coils made up of particular types of metals that are responsible for heating the liquid and producing smoke that you enjoy so much. The coils are one of the most important parts of a vaping kit and have an effect on every other aspect.

However, vape coils die out with time and usage. Time is not the only factor to be considered when changing a coil. There are other factors that also dictate how long your coil lasts. Still, in terms of time, coils are supposed to last at least a week and at most 3 weeks. Following is a list of other factors that affect coil:

Do check out 5 Easy Ways to Stop Your Coil From Burning

Frequency of Use:

Apart from time, frequency of usage is perhaps the most important factor that affects how often you change your coils. If you vape all day, your coil will run out much faster than if you take time in between your vaping sessions. It does not even need to be said that the same coil that is used all day will die much faster than if it were used less frequently.

Type of Flavor:

If you think that the choice of your flavor will not change how long your coils last, think again. Dessert-themed flavors, that include lots and lots of sweetener, are much more harmful to your coils than any other flavor. So, if you keep vaping Sweet flavors, you should know that you will change coils much more often than if you chose flavors with less sweetener.


The Wattage is another important factor that will dictate the frequency of your coil replacement. Most coils come with a recommended wattage range and you are expected to work the coil in between that range. However, that does not always happen. When looking for denser smoke, people will turn up the wattage to much higher than the recommended range. This puts the coil at a risk. If this behavior is prolonged, it will not be long till the coil burns out completely and you taste the burnt note in your flavor.

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