It seems that smoking is the one practice that has just always existed. Even historians have found it difficult to point out exactly when or where it started, but it is believed that it started as a popular way to use medicine and later turned into an addiction. However, it also seems today that man has almost always known about the repercussions that the habit of smoking entails. What are these repercussions though?

The Repercussions:

The side effects of cigarettes, contrary to popular beliefs, are not limited only to your lungs. The repercussions engulf the entire body and there is very little that you can do for yourself if you are not willing to quit. One of such side effects is that your vision grows weaker. Not just grow weaker, but it can lead to increased risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma and even cataracts. Moreover, smoking may lead to a dulling in your sense of smell and taste and also reduce your appetite. So, not only will you not be able to enjoy your favorite food, but may not even want to eat it at all.

Your skin may also start to age more. It will grow more and more wrinkly with very little color. While your blood flow may be hindered by irregular blood clotting throughout your body, which can lead to even instances of heart strokes. Excessive smoking may also lead to faster progression of diseases. For instance, type II diabetes is one of the diseases that has been found to develop faster and faster with more and more smoking.

Moving on to diseases related to organs directly involved in smoking. One of the first effects of smoking is on your mouth. Smoking causes poor oral hygiene. As a result, bad breath will constantly be a problem. Moreover, several dental issues may also stem from smoking with constant teeth decay. Lung cancer is another one of the fatal diseases that stem from smoking. This may largely be a result of the tar content that is found in cigarettes and contains several substances that are harmful for human health.

Heart diseases are also very common among smokers. Constant nicotine inhalation and tar deposits in the lungs not only cause breathing problems but also blood pressure. The blood vessels constrict as you continue to smoke which causes trouble in blood flow and may often lead to entire closure of some arteries and veins.

Also read 10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Quit Smoking and Start Vaping


Of course, none of the above mentioned side effects can be undermined, but the fact of the matter is that diseases like cancer can prove to be fatal while you may not bat an eye on the more short term effects such as skin problems and appetite loss. The most harmful substance that cigarettes contain that is the cause of several diseases in the human body is called tar. This is a naturally occurring substance in tobacco leaves and contains thousands of different carcinogens.

This thick black material deposits itself in the smokers’ lungs and leads to several health complications. But not just the tar, the nicotine is also to be blamed because it is the nicotine after all that is the addicting factor. It causes dopamine release in the brain and leads to a smoker craving more and more of it. Moreover, the use of combustion to light cigarettes is another reason that cigarettes are so harmful. This is because combustion causes several different reactions. This, coupled with the fact that nicotine is a highly reactive substance, leads to the development of several different forms of harmful substances that you inhale and are released in the air.

Another one of the very disturbing factors about smoking is that it imposes harmful effects on third parties when they inhale the smoke you exhale. This phenomenon is called passive smoking and is believed to be even more harmful than active smoking. As a result, the governments in several countries have banned smoking in public and enclosed spaces to counter the propagation of disease among people that do not smoke.

Vapes to the Rescue:

Owing to all of the aforementioned reasons, people all across the world have been looking to end their smoking addiction for their own good and for the good of others. However, a lack of effective alternatives has been a huge hindrance in fighting this war against cigarettes. Even efforts to reduce this dependence in the past, such as nicotine patches to curtail the anxiety from nicotine withdrawal, or nicotine chewing gums to satisfy the nicotine need have failed.

Vapes, it seems, are making a difference though. These electronically powered, tobacco-free, alternatives to smoking seem to be doing a pretty good job at keeping the cigarette addiction at bay. But the question arises, how have vapes been able to contain this seemingly unbeatable addiction when all other alternatives have failed to do so? Well, the answer is that vapes seem to adopt an ideal approach to ending cigarette addiction. What is that approach?

Where all other alternatives aim to use sudden nicotine withdrawal as the basis for ending cigarette addiction, vapes aim at eradication of tar – the main harmful substance. Once tar is eradicated, the next step is to reduce dependence on nicotine. The right approach to this is to achieve this reduced dependence gradually. Sudden withdrawal can be extremely harmful for all smokers.

Instead, vaping allows you the option of purchasing e liquids in different strengths of nicotine. You can slowly bring down the nicotine level in your e liquids to the point where you do not need it at all. All you need to do is to make sure that this process is extended over a substantial period of time that allows your body to get used to a reduced level of dependence.

This is also in line with the fact that it is not actually nicotine that is the culprit for major health problems, but tar. So reducing tar should be the first preference, rather than killing nicotine suddenly.