The habit of smoking a cigarette was once considered to be the Cool thing. Everyone who wanted to be in the circle of cool teenagers or classy men had to have a cigarette in his/her mouth. Nobody knows how this stigma started but it just did, and for the next couple of decades it was to be the reason why several people started smoking. They simply thought it was fashionable. What is even worse is the fact that this phenomenon was not only in itself a reason for smoking, but it gave birth to other reasons. For instance, the fact that peer pressure has led to multiple cases of underage smoking (people who will later become chain smoker) can be directly related to the perception of smoking being “cool”.

However, over the past couple of years, the picture has drastically changed and people have started to see cigarettes as repulsive commodities. But, given the addictive flair of cigarettes, it was very difficult to let it go. One of the most successful attempts at achieving this was the introduction of vapes and e cigarettes.

However, when people realized that they could just simply substitute vapes for cigarettes, they decided not to quit smoking at all. There are several health risks associated with prolonged vaping:

Also Read Top 5 Benefits of Vaping Over Smoking


Although some people might believe that without the tar coming from cigarettes, they are good to go. But the truth is, they are not. Even without the tar, nicotine itself can hurt your lungs to a great extent. Although the absence of tar may mean that the effects are considerably less harmful, but it is only a matter of time before nicotine seriously damages your lungs.


Manganese and Arsenic are only two of the harmful metals that are found in vapes. It may come as a surprise to people who advocate vape smoking over cigarette smoking that vapes do indeed have some of the same metallic compounds that are found in cigarettes. These metallic compounds have not only been characterized as harmful but have also been classified as carcinogenic material (material likely to be linked to cancer). Although the direct relation between vape smoking and cancer may be weakly established, it is a fact that these metals are harmful to the human body.

Is Vaping Really that Bad Though?

However, the fact that vapes are doing what they were designed to do, i.e. to lead people addicted to cigarettes away from them must not be undermined. Research has found a much stronger link between vapes and smoking cessation than it has found between vaping and cancer (or any other major medical problems for that fact). However, it must also be accepted that anything in excess is harmful and the case with vapes. So, if vapes are used as a method to quit smoking altogether, it is without a doubt the most effective way, but using vapes as an alternative altogether is not advised.

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